
The default layout of the B747-8F in Cargo-Planner has a payload of 220181kg, a volume of 906m3 and a total of 48 ULDs of 6 different types.

Everything about this aircraft is customizable in Cargo-Planner

12 x PMC/P6P - LD

LengthWidthMax HeightPayloadTare
3170 mm2440 mm1626 mm5035 kg120 kg

2 x LD-1 / AKC

2330 mm1530 mm1620 mm1588 kg

Bottom Contours

Right LengthRight Height
770 mm900 mm

1 x PMC/P6P - Q6 (747-300/400F A1 position)

LengthWidthMax HeightPayloadTare
3170 mm2440 mm2440 mm2611 kg120 kg

Top Contours

Left LengthLeft HeightRight LengthRight Height
1220 mm890 mm1220 mm890 mm

1 x PMC/P6P - Q6 (747-300/400F A2 position)

LengthWidthMax HeightPayloadTare
3170 mm2440 mm2440 mm2611 kg120 kg

Top Contours

Left LengthLeft HeightRight LengthRight Height
390 mm740 mm390 mm740 mm

5 x PMC/P6P - Q6

LengthWidthMax HeightPayloadTare
3170 mm2440 mm2240 mm4250 kg120 kg

27 x PMC/P6P - Q7 (B747F & A380F)

LengthWidthMax HeightPayloadTare
2440 mm3170 mm3000 mm4819 kg120 kg

Top Contours

Right LengthRight Height
610 mm560 mm

Ship less air. Waste less time.
Let Cargo-Planner calculate how to fill your B747-8F.