Cargo-Planner Docs


System requirements

Cargo-Planner is web based which means it is accessible through your web browser. The recommended browsers are:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox

Safari is nearly 100% supported although some minor function are not yet working properly.

Even though the application is responsive which means it will work in a mobile phone it is best enjoyed on a desktop PC.

Naming conventions

Here you will find some definitions used throughout the application


Cargoes refer to the objects being loaded in a container, and as a minimum is defined by a length, width, height and weight. The word item is also used sometimes which acts as a synonym for cargo.


The word container (and sometimes hold) is used to describe a cargo carrying unit - a space which is used to put Cargoes in. A container is defined by an internal length, width, height and payload but does often have additional properties.

The word container can also be used for trucks, trailers and pallets in some circumstances.

Load list

A load list is defined by a name, Mode of Transportation, a list of Cargoes and one or several Load plans.

Load plan

A load plan consists of a list of containers used to pack the cargoes of a load list.

One load list can have several load plans.


  • Max number of loadable cargoes in one calculation: 20 000
  • Minimum cargo side length: 1mm
  • Minimum cargo volume: 3cm³