Cargo-Planner Docs
Load plan view settings
The content of a load plan and how its displayed can be configured under VIEW SETTINGS.
View settings
Simple mode
This option will show a more compact load plan with basic information for each container.
Show ruler
This option will add a ruler with ticks to indicate the dimensions of the container.
Group similar containers
This option will group containers that are loaded identically. The ID of the start and the end containers are shown next to the container type.
Show load instructions
This option will show step by step instructions of how to load the container packages.
Print with company watermark
This option will add the company’s logo as a watermark when printing or saving as PDF.
Show metric dimensions
This option will add length and weight in metric dimensions to the container info table.
Show quotations
This option will let the user set quotation on containers. Multiple quotations can be set at once in the quotation dialog.
The preferred currency and a default quotation for each container type can be set in the dialog.
It is also possible to set the quotation for each individual container by filling in the quotation field.