
The default layout of the B777-200F in Cargo-Planner has a payload of 185000kg, a volume of 687m3 and a total of 37 ULDs of 4 different types.

Everything about this aircraft is customizable in Cargo-Planner

10 x PMC/P6P - LD

LengthWidthMax HeightPayloadTare
3170 mm2440 mm1626 mm5000 kg120 kg

4 x PMC/P6P - Q6 (B777F)

LengthWidthMax HeightPayloadTare
2440 mm3170 mm2940 mm5000 kg120 kg

Top Contours

Right LengthRight Height
1440 mm1590 mm

22 x PMC/P6P - Q7 (B777F)

LengthWidthMax HeightPayloadTare
2440 mm3170 mm3000 mm5000 kg120 kg

Top Contours

Right LengthRight Height
1270 mm1040 mm

1 x PMC/P6P - Q6

LengthWidthMax HeightPayloadTare
3170 mm2440 mm2438 mm5000 kg120 kg

Ship less air. Waste less time.
Let Cargo-Planner calculate how to fill your B777-200F.